sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012

Quote of today... my special day

Hoy es un día muy especial para mí, he llegado a concluir mi Universidad... 
Hoy fue el último día de entregas, estrés, risas, y lágrimas... 
El último día que camine por mi Universidad como una soñadora e inspirada estudiante.

Ahora comenzará  el camino de cumplir mis sueños! :) 

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012


I believe there are people in this world who are meant to be together, and these two people always find their way to each other, always. These two souls are meant to love one another, and when they are apart they find their way back to each other.Twin souls have the same vibrations.

They come form the same mould, although not from the same womb. They are like one person bisected into two, but not one soul divided into two. Therefore, even after millions of years of separation, when they meet they know instinctively that that this is the twin. Their vision, feeling and purpose are one. They see the same vision from the same spot, unlike two other people with two different sets of eyes, which see the same scene juxtaposed with one another. The twin souls see the same scene with their combined third eye. The scene arouses the same feeling in both, although both are of different personalities. In fact what they see may even be complimentary. This must be the case, as they are now brought together for a single purpose. The feeling for each other is nothing less than divines love. The unconditionality of their love equals loving your neighbour as thyself or loving the other as yourself. One does not love the other despite the other’s faults; one loves the other for the other’s faults as much as for the other’s virtues.